Byron will presenting, Bodystorming: Improv + Inclusion + Innovation for...
DePaul University Continuing and Professional Education in collaboration with Millennia Consulting presents
Catalysts for Innovation
A one-day symposium addressing facilitation innovation in teamwork, technology & creativity
June 10, 2011
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. -Albert Einstein
Around the world we are faced with many new issues that demand a different way of thinking. Our political paradigm is in a stage of disruption. Our economy is adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Technology is providing new avenues for social connections. Society yearns for a way to find wholeness within its diversity.
One key to the future is to advance our level of innovation in all arenas—business solutions, educational approaches, technology advances, societal issues, and political processes. In the past, we waited for the single imaginative leader to offer breakthroughs in our thinking.
Today, we look to the team. There is great power in the group if we can unleash and harness the creativity that resides within in it. Therefore, one key leadership skill to solving today’s problems is facilitation: the means to release the latent power and potential of every individual in the group and to capture the collective wisdom to solve the issues that face us.
Join and network with experienced group process facilitators in a one-day Symposium hosted by DePaul University Continuing and Professional Education. Learn new approaches that will help you increase your capacity to serve as a catalyst for innovation with your teams, organizations and communities.
Millennia Consulting, the organizing sponsor, invites you to participate in the upcoming DePaul University Continuing and Professional Education one-day Facilitation Symposium, June 10, 2011.
Who Should Attend
This symposium is designed for facilitators, team leaders,
consultants, leaders, project managers and anyone that wants
to learn more about group facilitation.
How You Will Benefit
• Learn new facilitation approaches
• Increase your capacity as a facilitator
• Be a catalyst for innovation
• Improve your group’s creativity
• Advance innovation within your team, organization
and community
Program Details
Friday, June 10, 2011
8:15 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Cost: $115 (early bird price until May 10)
Contact Information
Janie Rollinson
(312) 362-5792
Symposium Sessions:
• Bodystorming: Improv + Inclusion + Innovation
• Decision Cost Analysis: An Innovative Way to Calculate the
Benefit of Facilitation
• Exploring Mental Models for Breakthrough Collaboration
• Facilitating Change and Innovation—How to Enable Innovation
• Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in Organizations
• Focused Conversation—A Framework for Collaborative Innovation
• From Workplace to Playspace: Facilitating the Mindset Shift
for Innovation and High Engagement
• Innovating Facilitation with Multiple Intelligences
• Innovative Virtual Innovation Techniques Using Inexpensive
Collaboration 2.0 Tools
• Seeing & Doing: Enabling and Engaging Your Groups with
Visual & Kinesthetic Tools
• The Vincentian Question (What Must Be Done?) as Catalyst
for Change
• Using Facilitation to get Unstuck to Inspire Innovation
Workshop Description:Bodystorming: Improv + Inclusion + Innovation.
Bodystorming is a method of problem identification and solving in which teams translate ideas and opportunities into physical experiences which they explore through improvisation and role-play. Bodystorming uses a design brief, props and simple costumes to give a sense of place. The process is designed to uncover how the relationships between people, locations, and things affect ideas in ways that brainstorming alone cannot. It enables empathy and rapid iteration of ideas and relationships through a dynamic process of acting and evaluating. The process reveals how people interact with services, products, and each other on a physical, emotional and intuitive level. Participants will learn how facilitating a bodystorming session can foster an inclusive, innovative environment and bring value to an organization.
To register and for more info:
DePaul registration site;
Millenna Consulting;