Here is a link to an article on the event
More to come on this soon!
Byron also co-lead a Service Design class with Vesa Kantola at Aalto University's Urban Mill while in Helsinki.
Here is our course description
CSE-E6250 Digital Service Design, Course with
Varying Content
October 14 – 18, Startup Sauna and Urban Mill
Max number of participants: 10
Intensive course on theatrical methods in user
centric service design
Byron Stewart, Co-Founder and Artistic Director at
Dramatic Diversity/DD+D (Chicago, USA) will be visiting Finland in October and will
be hosting a course on emphatic service design using theatrical methods.
The course will be arranged in co-operation with
the Urban Mill in Otaniemi. In the course students will learn how to various
methods to strengthen their empathy for the users of the service they create
and in this way design better services.
The course is open for students of service design
at all Aalto Schools. You should be familiar with service design concepts and
methods and hence the course mainly targets 2nd year Master’s level
In the course the students will we working on new
and innovative concepts for having lunch on the Aalto campus.
Course program:
14.10 16.15 – 18:00 Kick-off at Startup Sauna Backstage
15.10 09:00 to
Wednesday 16.10 18.00 Independent group work: Lunch in a different culture
Wednesday 16.10 18.00 Independent group work: Lunch in a different culture
Student teams should describe a lunch setting in an
other culture (eg. USA mall, arab market, French café, or similar)
Wednesday 16.10 18:00 – 20:00 First presentation of
group work and Byron’s intro to the rest of the course
17.10 09.00 - 20.00 Full day workshop with Byron Stewart “A Lunch Hour
in Otaniemi Campus”
Design Empathy Introduction – Why is empathy
important to designers? Covers biases/assumptions. Review the Empathy framework
(Discovery Immersion, Connection, Detachment)
Various excercises.
Creating initial service design for lunch in
Friday 18.9 09.00 - 16.00 Full day workshop –
creating the
Service design for lunch in Otaniemi, practical
For more information on the course,
contact Vesa Kantola.
To register for the course, send an
email with a short explanation (no more than ½ A4) to Vesa Kantola
Here are a few pictures from our class and the process -
Here are a few pictures from our class and the process -